Monday, May 21, 2007

Sustainable Corporations?

With the exception of Carlos Louge (an Argentinean Economist), Donna Morton (a Canadian Economist), Paul Stammets (an US Mycologist), Roberto Perez (a Cuban permaculturalist), Robin Francis (an Australian Permacuture Teacher), and Declan Kennedy (an Irish Permaculturist), all of the other presenters were representative of an emerging new corporate model “the sustainable corporation”.

I think that the non corporate presenters had much more to offer in the way of solutions and ethics. I think that all of us keep hoping that the corporate world has something to teach or offer us that will make us more effective and able to affect change on a much larger scale. After this conference I think that quite the opposite is true and that we should lay the myth of big is better or more effective to rest. Perhaps its time to dust off Shumacher's “Small is Beautiful” and have another look.

There is much more that I would like to write about but I feel that I need more time for my thoughts to gestate and that they could use a good marinating in talk with my peers during the convergence. I am still convinced that Permaculture is the best show in town!


Jeremy said...

Scott, just looked at your blog for the first time. Very cool! Sounds like a neat conference. I myself believe strongly in local solutions, whether it's food growing or energy producing. Large scale industry concentrates power. And "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." It seems to me like this saying holds true as much as it ever did, and (although I wish otherwise) I don't see why it would change. Local industry seems the common sense solution to all this.

Hope you are well. Much love,

GrittyPretty said...

right on. btw, did you hear that google has committed to a zero carbon footprint by the end of the year? i hope plenty of other orgs and individuals will follow suit. i instinctively agree with your point about smaller is better and wonder how it will all play out. thanks for your blog!