Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Permaculture Convergence

Eight years ago I was here in Pirenopolis to teach an Ecovilla design course to architects, city planners, regional planners, and permaculture graduates, today I am arriving for the pc convergence and it is unbelievable the amount of change and work that has transpired in those eight years.

This is the site of Instituto Permacultura Ecovilas do Cerrado which has evolved into the most active permaculture training center for land based learning on the planet. Andre Soares and his wife Lucy are the driving inspiration and labor behind this incredible place.

We will be meeting in the Bill Mollison Amphitheater which is pictured above. The structure is made of bricks that were manufacuted here at IPEC with IPEC soil. The Amphitheater can handle several hundred participants and they have built many small rooms to accommodate their students and for the next four days, us.

1 comment:

Eco City Olympia said...

Dear Scott,

My name is Evan Schoepke and in two days time I will be sending you a digital pamphelt that outlines some of my ideas on some converging factors regarding what you might as well call permaculture economics, though I also like the sound of biodynamic economics.....all I can say is there is some very auspicious thought floating about the Noosphere lately and I could use your help as I see we have similar queries......well I need two more days